Mission Statement

Tennessee Lunabotics is an interdisciplinary student design team that competes in NASA's annual space robotics competition, Lunabotics. The competition is centered around designing, building, and operating a lunar robot in simulated lunar regolith. Teams that are successful in the first two phases of the competition will be invited to participate in live testing of their robot at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

The educational outreach program of Tennessee Lunabotics is a large part of the team's activities during the year and a great opportunity for educators, engineers, and other STEM students to work together in developing activities and events for the public and K-12 students. We hope to inspire others to learn about robotics, engineering, planetary science, and interdisciplinary collaboration.

In addition to this program, we've made our knowledgebase publicly available to share the lessons we've learned as a team, reasoning behind our design choices, info about technical papers and processes, as well as to generally encourage exploration in robotics and STEM.

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